False rumour about furries’ “disruptive behaviour” in schools lead to protest

At the Mount Nebo Middle School in Utah, USA, students wearing animal ear headbands faced harassment from their peers.

The school addressed the situation by reminding students to respect each other and abide by their institution’s dress code, using their slogan, R.O.A.R.. It stands for “Respect, Outstanding, Academic and Responsible.”

Using this slogan in their message, however, apparently caused the parents who received it to assume the school “supported” students’ “rights” to wear “furry accessories” to school, the New York Post reported.

In fact, Mount Nebo Middle School uses the panther as their symbol and mascot, this which inspired their slogan.

Adding to the fire were online rumours that grossly misrepresented the incident.

Some of the rumours claimed that furries were “allowed” to “bite, bark and pounce on their peers in classrooms”, even sprayed “human repellant” at their peers, and “those who complained about it got suspended”.

As it spread, American politically conservative media channels and politicians amplified these rumours, worsening the situation.

The rumour turned a matter about dress codes and mutual respect into a matter about furries wearing fursuits and their alleged disruptive behaviour, leading to a protest.

Officials from the school and school district confirmed all the rumours were false.

This incident highlighted the need for accurate reporting and open dialogue to dispel misinformation and promote understanding between different communities.

Furries are individuals with an interest in anthropomorphic animal characters.


在美国犹他州的尼波山中学(Mt. Nebo Middle School),几名戴着动物耳朵头饰的学生遭到同龄人的骚扰。

校方通过提醒学生们互相尊重并遵守学校的着装要求来处理此事,并使用了他们的口号 R.O.A.R.,意为“互相尊重(respect)、成功杰出(outstanding)、学取知识(academic)和责任之心(responsibility)”。








