Indonesia’s first furry dealers’ den event held — Creators Anthro Fair 2024

The furry fandom, a Western-born subculture centered around anthropomorphic animal characters, has found a vibrant and growing community in Indonesia.

Recognizing this, Misael Project created the Creators Anthro Fair 2024, the first in-person event of its kind in the country. The event provides a platform for furry artists, content creators, and fans to showcase and celebrate their work.

The event, held in Jakarta, was a hit with attendees, offering a variety of activities and booths catered to furry enthusiasts.

Artists had the opportunity to display their creations, while visitors could participate in photo booths, drawing challenges, and even interact with fursuiters.

The fair attracted both furries and non-furries alike. Everyone could enjoy photo booths, art booths, and pose with life-sized standees of furry characters.

Booths, like one helmed by Deruu, offered freebies, auctions, and a raffle, ensuring there was something for everyone.

A survey conducted by Indonesian community blog Kutu Buku Kartun (lit. Cartoon Bookworm) conducted at the event revealed insights into the Indonesian furry community.

  • Many attendees were new to the furry scene, with this being their first furry event.
  • While most were from the Jakarta area, the event attracted furries from other cities as well.
  • The survey also found that the majority of attendees could draw art, and many expressed a desire to own their own fursuit.

While the Creators Anthro Fair 2024 was a resounding success, there’s room for improvement.

Future events could benefit from clearer schedules, additional activities like seminars or live drawing sessions, and better management of break times to maintain the event’s energy.

Overall, the Creators Anthro Fair 2024 was seen as a promising start for the furry community in Indonesia.

With plans to expand and grow, this event could become a regular fixture, reaching furries across the country. As Rayka, Project Lead of Misael Project, stated, the future looks bright for furry events in Indonesia.

This report first appeared on Kutu Buku Kartun.
Edited by Pawsry Hamktxchuzhni

印度尼西亚首次举办毛兽摊位间活动:Creators Anthro Fair 2024

源自西方的兽迷亚文化(furry fandom),以拟人化的动物角色为中心,已经在印度尼西亚找到了一个充满活力的社区。

认识到这一点,Misael Project 创办了 Creators Anthro Fair 2024,这是该国首个此类线下活动,为毛兽艺术家、内容创作者和兽迷们提供了一个展示和庆祝他们作品的平台。





印度尼西亚社区博客 Kutu Buku Kartun(卡通书虫)在活动现场进行的一项调查揭示了对印度尼西亚兽迷社区的见解。

  • 许多与会者是第一次参加兽迷活动。
  • 虽然大多数人来自雅加达地区,但该活动也吸引了其他城市的兽迷。
  • 调查还发现,大多数与会者会画画,许多人表示希望拥有自己的兽装。

虽然 Creators Anthro Fair 2024 取得了巨大的成功,但仍有改进的空间。


总的来说,Creators Anthro Fair 2024 被视为印度尼西亚兽迷社区的一个有希望的开始。

随着扩大和发展的计划,这一活动可能会成为常态,触及全国各地的兽迷。正如 Misael Project 的项目负责人雷卡(Rayka)所说,印度尼西亚的兽迷活动的未来一片光明。

该报道首次出现在 Kutu Buku Kartun 上.