MFF 2019: Saturday Dec 7

I forgot to mention from my previous report what was not only a surprise and something to look forward to was the following: Coupons. Officially they call them “Tickets” 1 is for a FREE Tee Shirt, which I will show off later and the other was for brunch. In addition, there were tickets available for…

MFF 2019: Friday Dec 6

Yesterday was my 1st day at MFF this year and it started off with some confusion. You see, this year I decided to be a Sponsor – I knew I’d get some benefits but who knew it was going to start off with a lot of confusion. First I was sent in one direction, then…

On-site registration? Green light for that at FurUM 2019

Online registrations may be over, but if you still crave to be part of the robot apocalyptic war, or the guest-of-honour Uncle Kage’s story times and drinking moments, Malaysian furry convention Furs Upon Malaysia has got you covered. For the first time, they will be opening a limited walk-in registration for the furcon. The details…

Anthrocon Introduces A Whole New Tier – The Ultra Sponsor Tier

In Anthrocon‘s 2020 edition “Aesop’s Fables”, they‘ve added a 4th option for those who wish to attend the furcon. Besides the normal Day Badges, Sponsor and Super Sponsor tier tickets, you now have the option to choose a whole new eye-opening tier, named Ultra Sponsor. With a unique price tag of US$1,000 (SG$1379.96 as of…

Midwest FurFest bans Milo Yiannopoulos from con attendance

American furcon Midwest FurFest has recently reported that they have rescinded and barred Milo Yiannopoulos from attending the con. Yiannopoulos, a far-right political commentator, recently announced that he made a “fursona” for himself, and bought tickets to the MFF as well. He also suggested hosting a panel titled “The Politics of Fur”: This triggered a…

A chat with Brazil FurFest

When I initially contacted BFF to ask about their recent sponsorship agreement I thought that was it. Then my fellow US colleague Rosca Santigria sent 3 questions: What is your response/feelings about the Brazil Amazon Rainforest fire? There is a lot of public outrage about it in Mexico, USA, and Canada. Are there any efforts…